Archive for June, 2009|Monthly archive page

Announcements for the Week of June 21, 2009

PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS – Juanita Kelley, Esther Dillie, George Munk, Aaron Connors, Katie Risley, Andy Staley, Pam Falcione, Mary Catherine Vizza, Jess Falcion, and each Sunday, please pray for our CUTV broadcast at 3 p

THURSDAY SERVICE SPECIAL VIDEO PRESENTATION – You won’t want to miss the video interview of Frank Drown on Thursday, June 25th. Frank Drown (born ca. 1920) is an American author and missionary. Frank led the ground search party for 5 missionaries (Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian) who were part of Operation Auca, an attempt to make contact with and evangelize the Huaorani people of the rainforest of Ecuador. The Huaorani were an isolated tribe known for their violence against both their own people and outsiders who entered their territory. These missionaries began making regular flights over Huaorani settlements in Sept. 1955 dropping gifts. In Jan. 1956 they were attacked and speared by a group of Huaorani warriors. The news of their deaths was broadcast around the world, and Life magazine covered the event with a photo essay. Come to this Thursday’s service at 7:00 p.m. to learn more of this incredible story and how the Huaorani (including some of those involved in the killing) eventually were led to Christianity.

SUMMER WORK DAYS – We have scheduled workdays for each Saturday (except July 4th) beginning at 10 a.m. throughout the summer. We are also looking for people who would be interested in preparing lunch for the work crews on the Saturday workdays. We have much to do this summer: maintenance, painting, construction, and cleaning. There’s something for almost anyone! If you are interested in volunteering at the church this summer, please call the church office at 724-377-2522.

 LADIES’ SUMMER HOME BIBLE STUDY – The ladies will meet this Tuesday at 11 a.m. in the home of Tricia Blatnik. Please call Tricia for directions.

 WATER BAPTISM AND POTLUCK – a Water Baptism will be held NEXT Sunday, June 28th immediately following the second service. A potluck will follow at Ten Mile Creek Park. Please bring a dish enough to feed your family plus four more. Meat and drinks will be provided. If you are interested in being baptized, please call the church office (724-377-2522) to receive information on water baptism. A sign-up sheet is in the rear of the sanctuary – please sign up if you plan to attend the potluck so we can be prepared. ALSO: Volunteers are needed to help with the potluck clean up and unloading items back at the church. A sign-up sheet is in the rear of the sanctuary, for those willing to help.

LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR – Love Your Neighbor clothing distribution will be open this Saturday, June 28th from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Flyers are available on the table in the rear of the sanctuary. Please help spread the word about LYN by posting a flyer in your community.

 ESOAL- There will be an ESOAL Facilitator meeting on Wednesday, June 24th at 7:00 p.m.. There will be an ESOAL Squad Leader’s meeting on Wednesday, July 1st @ 7:00PM , and an All Leaders meeting will be held on Wed., July 8th at 7:00 pm. All meetings will be held in the Cafeteria.

 ANNOUNCING ESOAL SIGN-UPS! – Teens, it’s time to register today for ESOAL (emotional stretching opportunity of a lifetime). ESOAL begins July 9th, and the cost is $25. Information flyers and permission slip are available on the back table. ESOAL DONATIONS – We are in need of 25 cases of bottled water. If you would like to help, donated water can be placed in the entryway on the main floor.

 SUMMER TOUR – Every Thursday the teens hold their Youth Meeting at Ten Mile Park. We leave from the church PROMPTLY at 7:00PM.. Permission Slips for transportation are needed and are available on the back table.

 BIBLE CAMP – Bible Camp is scheduled for JULY 27-31 at 10 Mile Park. We believe this event has two purposes: 1. minister to the children in our fellowship and 2. to serve as an outreach to the children in our community! The theme for Bible Camp is “Love God, Love Others” and is found in Mark 12:28-34! Please pre-register your child TODAY – it helps us tremendously in our preparation. Any questions call the church at 724-377-2522, or catch Mr. Daniel or Trina Rankin at church.

NEW YORK MISSION TRIP – October 1-4 – If you have been praying about going to New York in October, or have expressed an interest in going, now is the time to commit. There is room for eight more people on this trip. Please make your commitment official today by paying your $50 registration fee. There will be a brief meeting in the sanctuary between services (10:30 AM) on June 28th. After this date no additional registration will be taken.

 SUMMER SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS – A sign language class will be held on Monday evenings from 6 to 8pm , from June 29 through Aug 10 at Calvary Chapel (This is a change in the starting date from June 22 to 29th). For more details, including the cost for the class, please see the posting on the bulletin board in the main entrance of the church, or contact Rhonda Cole.

 CALVARY CHAPEL CARD MINISTRY – Do you know someone who needs a pick me up? The Lord has a ministry for that need. The card ministry is a way that we can reach out to encourage and show God’s people that He is there. We have a card request box on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Just fill out the index card with the name, address, and prayer request of the person in need. Jesus will do the rest. “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22

 NURSERY MINISTRY LEADER NEEDED – We are looking for volunteer(s) to take over the Nursery Ministry. This primarily involves making the nursery schedule for each service. Please see Diane Swartz for more information or call the church office (724-377-2522)

Announcements for the Week of June 14, 2009

PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS – Juanita Kelley, Esther Dillie, George Munk, Aaron Connors, Katie Risley, Andy Staley, Pam Falcione, Mary Catherine Vizza, Jess Falcion, and each Sunday, please pray for our CUTV broadcast at 3:00 p.m.
BELIEVER’S MEETING- A Believer’s meeting will be held TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary.
LADIES SUMMER BIBLE STUDY- The ladies will meet this Tuesday at 11 a.m. in the home of Beckie Cannon. Please call Beckie for directions or with any questions regarding the study.
WATER BAPTISM AND POTLUCK – a Water Baptism will be held on Sunday, June 28th immediately following the second service. A potluck will follow at Ten Mile Creek Park. Please bring a dish enough to feed your family plus four more. Meat and drinks will be provided. If you are interested in being baptized, please call the church office (724-377-2522) to receive information on water baptism. A sign-up sheet is in the rear of the sanctuary – please sign up if you plan to attend the potluck so we can be prepared. ALSO: Volunteers are needed to help with the potluck clean up and unloading items back at the church. A sign-up sheet is in the rear of the sanctuary, for those willing to help.
ESOAL- There will be an ESOAL Facilitator meeting on Wednesday, June 24th at 7:00 p.m.. There will be an ESOAL Squad Leader’s meeting on Wednesday, July 1st @ 7:00PM , and an All Leaders meeting will be held on Wed., July 8th at 7:00 pm. All meetings will be held in the Café”.
ANNOUNCING ESOAL SIGN-UPS! – Teens, it’s time to register today for ESOAL (emotional stretching opportunity of a lifetime). ESOAL begins July 9th, and the cost is $25. Information flyers and permission slip are available on the back table.
ESOAL DONATIONS – We are in need of 25 cases of bottled water. If you would like to help, donated water can be placed in the entry on the main floor.
LADIES RETREAT – There are two slots left. See Shelly Thomas or Beckie Cannon TODAY if you are interested. Also, for those attending, please pick up your schedule from Shelly Thomas.

SUMMER TOUR – Every Thursday the teens hold their Youth Meeting at Ten Mile Park. We leave from the church PROMPTLY at 7:00PM.. This week, July 18th we will be playing Fizzer War –bring a towel. Permission Slips for transportation are needed and are available on the back table.

NEW YORK MISSION TRIP – October 1-4 – If you have been praying about going to New York in October, or have expressed an interest in going, now is the time to commit. There is room for eight more people on this trip. Please make your commitment official today by paying your $50 registration fee. There will be a brief meeting in the sanctuary between services (10:30 AM) on June 28th. After this date no additional registration will be taken.
CONGRATULATIONS! – Richard and Mary Lou Birch celebrated their 58th Wedding Anniversary on June 10th.
SUMMER SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS – A sign language class will be held on Monday evenings from 6 to 8pm , from June 22 through Aug10 at Calvary Chapel. For more details, including the cost for the class, please see the posting on the bulletin board in the main entrance of the church, or contact Rhonda Cole at 724-998-3246
CALVARY CHAPEL CARD MINISTRY – Do you know someone who needs a pick me up? The Lord has a ministry for that need. The card ministry is a way that we can reach out to encourage and show God’s people that He is there. We have a card request box on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Just fill out the index card with the name, address, and prayer request of the person in need. Jesus will do the rest. “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22
BIBLE CAMP – Bible Camp is scheduled for JULY 27-31 at 10 Mile Park. We believe this event has two purposes: minister to the children in our fellowship and 2. to serve as an outreach to the children in our community! The theme for Bible Camp is “Love God, Love Others” and is found in Mark 12:28-34! Please pre-register your child TODAY – it helps us tremendously in our preparation. Any questions call the church at 724-377-2522, or catch Mr. Daniel or Trina Rankin at church.

BIBLE CAMP STAFF MEETING – If you have already signed up to help at this year’s Bible Camp, please mark your calendar: Sunday June 14th right after 2nd service in the cafeteria, we will be holding a short (about 30 min.) mandatory meeting. It is important for you to attend this meeting as we will be give an overview of the Bible Camp and you will coordinate with your group leaders. C U there!
SUMMER WORK DAYS – We have scheduled workdays for each Saturday (except July 4th) throughout the summer. We are also looking for people who would be interested in preparing lunch for the work crews on the Saturday workdays. We have much to do this summer: maintenance, construction, and cleaning. If you are interested in volunteering at the church this summer, please call the church office at 724-377-2522.
CHILDREN’S CHURCH CAN USE YOUR HELP! – We are always in need of more helpers and could always use more snack donations. As Psalm 78:4 says, “…we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” Children’s Church is still in need of willing servants who want to pass on the Word of God to the next generation. You can help on a short-term or long-term basis. You can help on a weekly or a monthly basis. You can even help from home as a prayer warrior for this ministry. If you sense the need and/or have the willingness to serve in your heart, please call Mr. Daniel (724-267-2998).
AUDIO VISUAL – The AV Room located on the main floor of the church, will broadcast church services on Thursday evenings throughout the summer months.
THEY’RE HERE – Love Your Neighbor flyers are now available. Please help spread the word about LYN by posting a flyer in your community.

NURSERY MINISTRY LEADER NEEDED – We are looking for volunteer(s) to take over the Nursery Ministry. This primarily involves making the nursery schedule for each service. Please see Diane Swartz for more information or call the church office (724-377-2522).
REMINDER – No food or beverage (other than water) permitted in the church sanctuary.
FLAG DAY- (June 14th) Flag Day is a day for all Americans to celebrate and show respect for our flag, it’s designers and makers. Our flag is representative of our independence and our unity as a nation…one nation, under God, indivisible.

Announcements for the week of June 7, 2009

PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS – Esther Dillie, George Munk, Silfies family, Drilak family, Aaron Connors, Katie Risley, Andy Staley, Pam Falcione, Mary Catherine Vizza, Jess Falcion, and each Sunday, please pray for our CUTV broadcast at 3:00 p.m.
BIBLE CAMP – Bible Camp is scheduled for JULY 27-31 at 10 Mile Park. We believe this event has two purposes: minister to the children in our fellowship and 2. to serve as an outreach to the children in our community! The theme for Bible Camp is “Love God, Love Others” and is found in Mark 12:28-34! Please pre-register your child TODAY – it helps us tremendously in our preparation. Any questions call the church at 724-377-2522, or catch Mr. Daniel or Trina Rankin at church.
MEMORY CHALLENGE – Can you identify the products from these old advertising slogans?
1.Reach out and touch someone.
2.It’s not a job. It’s an adventure.
3.Take the plunge.
4.Try it you’ll like it.
5.Just do it!
Are you willing to reach out and touch a child’s life with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
It’s not a job
. It really can be a lot of fun, just think of it as an adventure.
take the plunge and volunteer to help with Bible Camp?
I guarantee if you try it you’ll like it.
Come on now just do it!
See Mr. Daniel or Trina Rankin to volunteer for Bible Camp.
6. Raise your hand if you’re sure.
ANSWERS: 1) AT&T 1979 2) US Navy 1980’s 3) Nestea 1980’s 4) Alka-Seltzer 1970’s 5) Nike 1988 6) Sure Deodorant 1984
BIBLE CAMP STAFF MEETING – If you have already signed up to help at this year’s Bible Camp, please mark your calendar: Sunday June 14th right after 2nd service in the cafeteria, we will be holding a short (about 30 min.) mandatory meeting. It is important for you to attend this meeting as we will be give an overview of the Bible Camp and you will coordinate with your group leaders. C U there!
Week of June 7th, 2009
CHURCH FINANCIAL MEETING- The 2008 church financial meeting will be held TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m. The ministry leaders will NOT be presenting reports tonight as previously stated. As a member of our church body, all are encouraged to attend.
FISHIN’ – FOOD – FUN – FELLOWSHIP – The Commonwealth lets us fish for FREE; Jesus says, “Come fish with me”…. TODAY, June 7th is “Fish for free” day in Pennsylvania. What a great opportunity for fellowship! If you’d like to gather as a group at Ten Mile Park on this day, please see Jack Safko. There are a few extra rods available to use, and if you have extra rods, please bring them.
DEADLINE: ADULT & FAMILY MISSION TRIP- If you plan to attend the mission trip with New York City Relief, October 1-4th, please turn in your registration fee TODAY. We must have your $50 commitment today in order to begin our preparations. Contact Kurt or Pam Nuckels with questions.
LADIES JUMONVILLE RETREAT- A two night ladies retreat is planned for June 18 – 20 at Jumonville. Cost is $35 for 4 in a room, and $70 for two in a room. Food costs will be between $20-$30. Payment is due TODAY. Please see Shelly Thomas or Beckie Cannon.
BELIEVER’S MEETING- A Believer’s meeting will be held on Sunday, June 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary.
SUMMER TOUR – Be sure to pick up a permission slip. We will leave from the church at 7:00 PM on Thursday.
ESOAL MEETING – An important informational meeting is scheduled this Wednesday, June 10th @ 7p.m. for anyone who signed up to help with ESOAL. Topics discussed will include event strategy and job assignments. Please contact Kurt Nuckels if you are unable to attend.
AUDIO VISUAL – The AV Room located on the main floor of the church, will broadcast church services on Thursday evenings throughout the summer months.
LYN WORKDAY – is scheduled for Friday, June 12th @ 9:00 AM.
THEY’RE HERE – Love Your Neighbor flyers are now available. Please help spread the word about LYN by posting a flyer in your community.
SUMMER HELP WANTED- We have much to do this summer: maintenance, construction, and cleaning. If you are interested in volunteering at the church this summer, please call the church office at 724-377-2522.
REMINDER – No food or beverage (other than water) permitted in the church sanctuary.
LADIES SUMMER BIBLE STUDY – The ladies will begin a summer Bible study of the book of Philippians, Tuesday, June 9th at 11:00 a.m. This weekly study will rotate among several homes, the first meeting being held in the home of Leah Woods. Please indicate your plans to attend by filling out the sign-up sheet on the table in the rear of the sanctuary. You may pick up a copy of “Philippians Bible Study Book” by Kay Smith in the library TODAY. Please call Leah Woods for directions to her home and contact Beckie Cannon with any questions regarding the study.
WATER BAPTISM AND POTLUCK – a Water Baptism will be held on Sunday, June 28th immediately following the second service. A potluck will follow at Ten Mile Creek Park. Please bring a dish enough to feed your family plus four more. Meat and drinks will be provided. If you are interested in being baptized, please call the church office (724-377-2522) to receive information on water baptism. A sign-up sheet is in the rear of the sanctuary – please sign up if you plan to attend the potluck so we can be prepared.
ESOAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – We are looking for men and women who are willing to commit to helping plan and/or facilitate this years ESOAL event. We are looking for adults who have background or experience in nutrition, physical fitness, engineering, construction, event planning, survival, medical or military training. We also need a videographer. If this is you and you would like more information on what this event is or how you could help contact Kurt or place your name & phone number on the sign-up sheet on the back table.
NURSERY MINISTRY LEADER NEEDED – We are looking for volunteer(s) to take over the Nursery Ministry. This primarily involves making the nursery schedule for each service. Please see Diane Swartz for more information or call the church office (724-377-2522).
CHURCH CALENDAR – To help avoid scheduling conflicts within our busy church body, please remember to call the church office BEFORE scheduling any function/meeting, whether they are held in the church building or off the premises. (724-377-2522). Thank you for your cooperation.
COOKBOOKS- Calvary Chapel Cooks Cookbooks make great gifts for all occasions. Please purchase your copy in the church library. The cost of the cookbook is $15. Proceeds benefit our mission projects.
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION AND CAMPBELL’S LABELS FOR EDUCATION – Calvary Chapel Christian School is collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s labels. As you purchase General Mills products, please clip and save the “Box Tops for Education” coupon on the package. The school will receive 10 cents for each box top. The school is also collecting Campbell’s labels to earn school equipment. Go to for a complete list of Campbell’s products. Please deposit the box tops and labels in the box located in the vestibule.
CASH FOR TRASH – We continue to collect aluminum cans (Please no scrap metal). All proceeds benefit Mission trips. Please rinse your cans and place them in plastic garbage bags. Collection containers are located in the rear of the LYN house.
RECYCLE TO BENEFIT SCHOOL – CCCS needs your used printer cartridge. Staples will give the school $3 to be used for school supplies for every used printer cartridge they collect. A cartridge deposit box is located in the vestibule.
REMINDER – The Youth Group continues to collect our empty dish detergent bottle donations for use. Please place bottles in crate located in foyer.
1. “To hope that (I) will do better – is to fail to see myself in Christ only”.
2. “To be Disappointed with (myself) means that I Believed in (myself)”.
3. “To be Discouraged is Unbelief”.
4. “To be Proud – is to be Blind”.
5. “The lack of Divine Blessing comes from Unbelief, not a failure of Devotion”.